
Student welfare



Minor accidents (cuts/scratches) are usually treated at the school. However, if a more serious accident to a pupil occurs during school hours, it is the policy of the school to notify the parents of the accident and to call an ambulance if necessary.

Medications at school

Parents are advised that it is necessary for the school to have in written form, by a doctor or chemist label, instructions for the dispensing of all medications to pupils during school hours. Children will not be administered medication unless the appropriate authority is completed. For safety, all medications are stored in the school office and dispensed from there. The only exception, where parents must complete a permission form, is for students to carry and administer their own asthma medication. In the interests of general safety, strict adherence to this policy must exist. A Parent Medical Authority Form is available from the school office.

Sick children

If children become sick at school, they are sent to the sick bay in the office area for supervision. Parents are contacted where possible and where deemed appropriate. It is stressed to parents that they should not send children to school until they are fully recovered after an illness. Children need the care and support that parents can give.


Occasionally dogs are attracted to the school environment either following children to school or straying into the grounds. Dogs and large groups of children are not compatible and constitute a danger and a health hazard. It is therefore the school's policy that any dogs appearing on the grounds will be removed by the relevant authority. We do ask that parents and children do not bring dogs on to the school grounds at all.

Evacuation/emergency procedure

The 'siren' alarm on the school's electronic bell system signals an Evacuation. The whole school practises this procedure at regular intervals. A copy of the plan for evacuation is displayed at the entrance of each classroom. The school also practises a “Safe Room” procedure signalled by the intermittent ringing of the bell. This ensures that should the need arise all students can be secured safely inside a building, for example,in the event of a serious storm.

Should parents be on school grounds in the event of an evacuation procedure or Lock Down drill they are required to follow the direction of staff and participate in these drills.

Permission to leave grounds

On all occasions (for example excursions) when pupils have to leave the grounds of the school, parents will be notified in advance. If parents wish students to leave the grounds prior to dismissal from school, they must be signed out at the office prior to leaving. Children leaving early to catch a bus must have written parent permission.

Absence from school

Because attendance at school is compulsory, it is mandatory for parents to notify the school, with a phone call on our Student absence telephone number (07) 3340 0770 on the morning of the absence or in writing of the reason for a child’s absence. Unexplained absences will be followed up until a satisfactory explanation is provided. Repeated absences from school will be reported under the Education Act.

Change of address/telephone number/contacts

It is vital to maintain current emergency contacts in school records. Please inform the school (in writing) of any changes to address, phone number or contact details.

Court orders

Court Order information in relation to custody and child protection must be maintained as an immediate priority for parents and guardians. It is essential to provide copies of current court orders.


Being on school property out of school hours without permission constitutes trespassing.  The school has electronic security which includes some video camera surveillance and both police and State Government Security keep the school under surveillance out of hours. They are keen to apprehend trespassers in an attempt to reduce vandalism and wilful damage to school property. Parents are asked to emphasise the above with children so that they do not enter school grounds after school or at weekends.

Crossing supervisors

The two school crossings are manned morning and afternoon by crossing supervisors employed by the State Transport Department. If children have to cross Lamorna or Wendron Streets they will use the supervised school crossings.

Parents are urged to reinforce the desirability of crossing these streets at these 'safe' areas. Teachers are on gate duty each afternoon to ensure correct procedures are followed. 'Lolly Pop' persons will be afforded similar courtesies as teachers and other ancillary staff.

Arrival at school

It is recommended that a good time for students to arrive at school is between 8.30 am and 8.40 am. Children who arrive earlier will not be supervised by staff on roster as is the case during the breaks during the day.

If, for some family circumstance, children have to arrive at school before the recommended time, parents are requested to contact the principal who will make mutually agreeable arrangements regarding the safety of such children. Students arriving before 8.00 am must be enrolled in the school's Outside Hours School Care Program. Students in Years 1-6, arriving after 9.00 am must be signed-in at the office. Students in years 1-3 must be signed – in by a parent or carer.

All prep students need to be signed in and out daily by a parent at their Prep classroom. A sign-in book is located adjacent to the classroom door for that purpose.

Last reviewed 26 October 2023
Last updated 26 October 2023