
Testing and assessment


Assessment by students

Whenever possible, students are encouraged to reflect on their own performance. This is an important life skill and promotes independent learning skills. Students also participate at times in evaluating each other’s performance. This is useful in teaching children how to effectively evaluate their own and other’s performances, and to learn to be objective in the assessment of learning outcomes. As they become more proficient at critically evaluating their own work, they become better at meeting the standards required when the work being done is for summative (reporting) purposes.

Assessment by teachers

Teacher assessment has two significant purposes. On the one hand it forms the basis of reporting to parents, and secondly it identifies student learning needs and informs teaching practices. There is a schedule of assessments which are completed by teachers according to year level. This allows consistent monitoring and tracking of student learning over time.

Diagnostic and standardised testing

A range of assessments are used across the school to monitor children’s learning. These include:

  1. Quick test of oral language (Prep students).
  2. Brigance assessments (for Prep, Year 1) which provide data on school readiness on language, academic and motor readiness for school.
  3. 'Words Their Way' assessments which test spelling and phonological knowledge.
  4. Reading benchmarks which test reading accuracy and comprehension.
  5. Spelling and sight words assessments.
  6. Comprehensive Assessment of Reading Strategies (CARS) assessments which test reading comprehension and provide helpful data on elements of comprehension where the child has gaps or strengths.
  7. PROBE reading comprehension assessments.

National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN) testing

The National Assessment Program- Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests provide information about student performance in aspects of literacy and numeracy through externally designed and marked tests that are consistent across Australia. Whole school data from the NAPLAN are used to monitor our school's progress towards our student learning achievements and targets.

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The following information will be provided:

  • Parents/caregivers will be provided with a written report about their child’s performance on the test. These reports will be forwarded to them by the school.
  • Class teachers will be provided with reports about the performance of their students, individually, against every item on the test as well as information about the class performance as a whole.

Students with particular needs

The tests aim to be inclusive of all student groups. Special consideration will be given to students with particular needs, including students with disabilities, students with learning difficulties and students whose first language is not English. Variations to normal test conditions may be made so that these students can sit for the tests. Special arrangements could include the use of support staff, the use of specialised equipment and/or additional time to complete the tests.

Last reviewed 06 March 2020
Last updated 06 March 2020