Prep to Year 6
From Prep to Year 6 at Rochedale South, there are two types of expenses. The first is the Reading, Maths and Technology Student Resource Scheme (PDF, 270KB). For children to be able to learn to read, they need reading books.
Our children access many books over the year as class readers and home readers. We do not require parents to go out and buy all of those books as there are so many and children need different books on a week by week basis.Neither do we set a textbook for maths over the year as students don’t all use the same books. They still need print and electronic materials though, to progress in their maths. Where children are very capable, they will have different reading books and maths books from another child who struggles in reading or maths. This is one of the ways that we ensure that every child is moving ahead at a level appropriate for each child.
The cost to be part of the Student Resource Scheme is $125.00 for the whole year. This means that your child will be able to get all of the reading books, maths books and electronic maths and reading resources they need to enable them to learn.
It includes access to Reading Eggs, Sunshine Online and Mathletics which are three quality on-line sites providing specific learning opportunities for reading and maths respectively. All of the money collected, will go into the purchase of specific maths and reading resources in the school. Students from Prep to Year 6 will also be able to access World Book for Students, World Book for Kids and Early World of Learning on line, even at home, for free. Students who do not pay will not be able to access all of these classroom and on-line resources.
Payments may be made on-line at any time or at the cash window on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8.15am to 9.15am. If parents wish to make part payments, they may do so, after discussion with the Business Manager.
The second expense is for classroom consumables. This includes all the pens, pencils, scissors, glue and stationery required for the whole year. In Years 3-6, parents are expected to purchase these resources for the child as per the student booklist. Generally, the cost of the booklist for each year level is between $100 and $130.
In Prep, Year 1 and Year 2, there is a Consumables Student Resource Scheme that covers all the pens, pencils, glue, writing books, scrap books, folders for reading and storing special work and so on. In Prep, the class teachers assign all those materials to students as needed. In Year 1, materials, are released to students over the year, and there is a greater expectation that students will learn to look after their own resources.
The reason for working this way is that in Prep children have enough trouble keeping track of their hat, water bottle, schoolbag, lunchbox and so on, without having to keep track of every pencil, crayon, writing book and the myriad of other things they will access in the classroom. During Year 1 and Year 2, there is a gradual release of responsibility to the student to manage their classroom belongings, so that they are ready to be able to keep track of their classroom materials by the time they are in Year 3 and have to supply their own classroom consumables.
Details about the resource schemes are available by clicking on the links to the right.