
Behaviour management


Positive Behaviour for Learning School

Rochedale South State School provides a supportive school environment where each classroom operates on the premise that teachers have the right to teach and students have the right to learn.  In 2018, our school has implemented a Positive Behaviour for Learning framework which provides a systems level approach used to build a positive school culture and support the teaching and learning environment for all students and teachers in our school.

The PBL approach is underpinned by the core values of Care, Courtesy, Cooperation, Commitment and Contribution (5C’s) and aligns with our strategic plan for developing student ownership of their leadership, learning and relationships. Our four school commitments are the ‘worker bees’ used to teach these values.  These are: Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful and Be a Learner and are the foundations for maintaining a safe, supportive and disciplined learning environment at Rochedale South State School.

Our Responsible Behaviour Plan outlines our system for facilitating positive behaviours, preventing problem behaviours and responding to inappropriate behaviours.

The school operates a Positive Behaviour for Learning committee which meets each fortnight to discuss school based behavioural data, establish behaviour focuses for explicit teaching each week and review/update Positive Behaviour for Learning operations and processes across the school. 

The language around our 4 expectations is embedded in every classroom and team to ensure the learning behaviours and expectations are consistent across the school.

Explicit teaching is delivered through:

  •  Weekly lessons in classroom, including class discussions, role play and activities
  •  Weekly messages and performances on assembly
  •  Essential skills and effective classroom strategies
  •  Staff modelling
  •  Literature, drama and role playing
  •  Specialist lessons on safety topics including sun safety, road safety, protective behaviours and drug education e.g. Adopt a Cop, Bravehearts, Life Education, Cybersafety.
  •  Proactive programs run by our school Chaplain, PBL team and Guidance Officer

We believe in focusing on the positive and acknowledging appropriate behaviours as much as possible:

  • PBL awards (emails to parents, certificates, badges, wristbands, Principal’s morning tea)
  •  ‘A’ Behaviour report card rating student BBQ
  •   Student of the Week awards – assembly
  •  ‘Cal’ coupons and Cal Coupon shop
  •  Playground Rangers
  •  Classroom rewards systems (eg Prize box, games, computer time)

Rochedale South State School also runs several programs that work on the student’s social and emotional development. These programs fit within the Positive Behaviour for Learning framework. The common language and strategies of these social/emotional programs are embedded in every classroom to ensure students have an understanding of how to regulate themselves emotionally.

Zones of Regulation

The basis for this program is that students need to be in their GREEN ZONE to learn.

When students are sad, bored or tired (BLUE ZONE) they need to use their activating strategies to move themselves into their learning zone (GREEN ZONE). Activating strategies are designed to switch on a student’s muscles and brain. Students in the BLUE ZONE have a low states of alertness and down feelings.

When students are anxious, frustrated, giggly/wriggly or feeling like they have lost some control (YELLOW ZONE) they need to use their calming strategies to move themselves into their learning zone (GREEN ZONE). Calming strategies are designed to ground students and help them slow down their bodies and minds. Students in the YELLOW ZONE have a heightened state of alertness and elevated emotions.

The program teaches students how to recognise the emotion they are feeling or what emotion others are feeling. It then helps students establish strategies that work for them to manage these feelings, The long term goal is to have students feeling strong, happy, learning and in control.

Fun Friends

This program focuses on students developing life skills required to be a functioning member of society. These include:

  • Relaxation techniques
  • How to make and maintain friendships
  • How to build self-esteem and confidence
  • Dealing with bullying and peer pressure
  • Problem solving and positive coping strategies 

Chaplaincy Programs

Builders - for boys Year 5-6, 6 week program (30mins/week) creating conversations around relationships, role models, family, resilience, strength, value, community contribution, character, respect, decision making.

Chit Chat - for girls Year 5-6, 8 week program (45 mins - 1 hour/week) creating conversations around relationships, adolescent transitions, family, resilience, friendships, social media and body image, positive thinking, respect, character.
Triple P – Parenting Program
Seasons for Growth - educational program on issues of transition, loss and grief based on Worden's Grief Tasks.  8 - 9 weeks, 45 mins/week.  Conducted in age grouped sessions for students 6 - 12 years.
Chappy Lounge - faith based, lunch time program that incorporates friendship support and engagement with the Bible to support healthy self image and relationships.  Topics this year have included Friendship (Term 1), Wisdom (Term 2), Who am I (Term 3).
In Class Educational Support - negotiated with specific class teachers, regular presence in the classroom for small group work to support students.
Last reviewed 06 March 2020
Last updated 06 March 2020